Dylan Thomas in Exile

This poem concerns, among other things, such as the ebb and flow of popular resistance, Dylan Thomas as a Welsh poet who lived a life devoted to the truth of the unique ethos of Wales and its over three-million people.

Dylan Thomas


the second wave

The wave floods

The flood recedes

The tide returns

seethe in anger
darkest season
the poet is silenced

Playing, scratching
against the prison walls,
the forgotten takes its
gracious revenge
and laughs last and best.

they will run him from his home

they will silence his intimate words,
his earthly voice & breath

they will no longer hear
his ‘foreign’ words

the others will press to listen

seethe in anger
darkest season
the poet is silenced

a stranger returns
remembered by no one
sleeps among the graves

he is their sublime witness
conjurer of sweet voices
spirits of those loved

He does not care to know
but seeks only to disclose
his fragile words enlighten

seethe in anger
darkest season
the poet is silenced

Playing, scratching
against the prison walls,
the forgotten takes its
gracious revenge
and laughs last and best.

they will run him from his place

they will silence his words,
his gentle voice & breath

they will no longer hear
his ‘foreign’ words

the others will press to listen

seethe in anger
amidst the darkest season
when they try to silence
the truth of the poet


the second wave

The wave floods

The flood recedes

The tide returns


Go to: The Ends of the British State in Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist

Go to: “They Destroy, We Create: The Anti-Austerity UK Alliance” in Planet Magazine: The Welsh Internationalist

Go to: Wales in the European Union

Go to: UKIP and the Politics of Disruption

Go to: Discovering Plaid Cymru, the Party of Wales

Go to: The British Wasteland: A History of the Present

Go to: Divided We Fall: Plaid Cymru and the Green Agenda

Go to: Whispers of a Forgotten Nation – The Writings of Dr D. Ceri Evans

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